On October 11, 2018, within the framework of the WeB4YES - Western Balkans Civil Society for Youth Employment project, LENS has organized the second national meeting with key stakeholders that have an impact on youth employability. The topics of the discussion were the key policy-making challenges in terms of increasing the employability of young people and creating an environment conducive to entrepreneurship development.
The meeting started with a presentation of the reports on Youth Employment - Key Policy Challenges in the Western Balkans, aiming to address all the recommendations to the representatives of the ministries in charge.
The second part of the meeting was related to the second regional forum that will take place in Durres in Albania and preparation of the national documents and teams for participation.
Since the topics of the second regional forum were related to 1) Enabling Environment for Yoga Entrepreneurship and 2) Development and Promotion of Lifelong Entrepreneurial Learning, stakeholders agreed to have a representative from each ministry on the forum in order to have the opportunity to share their knowledge back at home.