The Belgrade Open School organized on September 26, in the Hotel Zira, the second meeting of the National Youth Employment Forum. The National Youth Employment Forum is a platform that has gathered relevant stakeholders in the field of employment, employability and entrepreneurship of young people, in order to map solutions of challenges in these areas through cross-sectoral approach.
The Forum itself summarizes practical policy proposals on the topics: Youth Employment - Key Challenges of Public Policy in the Western Balkans, and Active Measures for Youth Employment - Key Challenges of Public Policy in the Western Balkans.
The purpose of the second meeting of the National Youth Employment Forum was to discuss the proposals of practical policies as well as to discuss national reports on the Development and Promotion of Lifelong Entrepreneurial Learning and the Enabling Environment for Youth Entrepreneurship in Serbia, and to elaborate recommendations for the improvement of these areas. Representatives from Ministries of the economy, agriculture, and education, as well as representatives of international organizations, attended the Forum.
The education system in Serbia continue to prepare students for work in (large) companies and Serbia does not have a specific strategy for developing lifelong entrepreneurial learning it is emphasized. In this way, entrepreneurial learning remains a permeable element of multiple educational strategies from primary to tertiary education, including adult education.
The data indicate that the percentage of young people who want to become entrepreneurs from 37% in 2015 rise up to 42% in 2016, but still 48% of young people think that work in public companies is the best option for them.
National reports and practical policy proposals were discussed with representatives of the Ministries of the Republic of Serbia (economy, youth and sports, etc.), National Employment Service, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, representatives of the business sector and representatives of civil society organizations.